Salvage Drafting Lamp
$ 50.00
One of a kind drafting style light that was forged in depths of salvage lore. Made out of scrap wood and love, this enchanting beauty was originally acquired from a local business by a long ago 2U Staffer. Once their journey with this trusty friend had reached its conclusion, they passed on to another 2U Staffer. Many moons on, it has returned! I may be one of the last to know its true origin story, but alas, I have no space to keep this one in the family any longer. I promise you this: Should some new caretaker not arrived on our steps in the next couple of weeks, I will sacrifice one of my own and take him home. A lamp of such fine craft and character cannot waste away on a shelf.
Item: 1253125-S
Location: Seattle
Rack: NORTH 2 D
Quantity: 1
Width: 12.75 in.
Length: 30 in.
Height: 30 in.
Condition: Good