Quartersawn 2.25″ White Oak Flooring
$ 7.45/SF $ 6.71/SF
We lucked into pretty special lot of 2.25" Quartersawn White Oak floor here, from a local Tudor style home, putting its age around the late 1920's-30's. It's beautiful and full of amazing figuring. It has only been sanded once-the thickness throughout is just shy of full thickness, and lengths vary from 2' up to 13.5', most of the lengths being in the 4'-7' realm, making it way less annoying to deal with compared to a box of new Oak floor that will yield lengths not greater than 3' and less! This is a bulk item, sold by the premeasured square foot bundle, no holds, first come, first served.
Item: 1252015-S
Location: Seattle
Rack: See Staff for Assistance
Quantity: 300 SF
Thickness: .75 in.
Width: 2.25 in.
Condition: Good