We recognize that your back to school routine has probably been thrown into chaos by the unusual way kids are going “back to school” this year. One of the consistent tips we’ve seen for having a student be more successful with virtual learning is to create a dedicated, distraction free, area for your student to do their learning in. This does not need to be an expensive endeavor, and there’s no one right way—but we have loads of options for you to customize a solution to fit your space and student’s needs.
Purchase Salvaged School Furniture

We often have materials salvaged from schools including chairs, tables, lockers and cabinets. What better way to create a space for learning than by using what the professionals use! See everything currently in stock by visiting our School House Theme page.
Use Sturdy Tables
We have other nice work surfaces that would make for great learning spaces, even if they didn’t come from a school. This will widen your style options as well.
See all tables in stock.
Build It!
Sometimes a need can be so particular, there is nothing pre-made that works very well. We have loads of materials that would work for a variety of skill levels and time frames to DIY the perfect learning space.
See what we have in lumber, tile & stone, and table legs & bases.