Our system of letting our customers place holds on items has proven to be very popular. For favored treasures it is not uncommon for there to be three holds on one item. Which means that if the first hold expires without a purchase, the next person has 24 hours of secured purchasing opportunity. To give everyone the best crack at purchasing their held item, we’ve added an automated email and text system. You can ch0ose to get an email or text about an hour before your hold expires, or be notified if your second hold becomes active.

Sample text message regarding a hold placed on an item at Second Use.
It is still necessary to call us and speak to a staff member to place the hold in the first place. Why can’t you place a hold on our website? Well, if we made it that easy…everything in our store would be on hold all the time. (Only kind of joking.)
If your second (or third) hold dream has come true and becomes the active hold, you are welcome to call and purchase the item over the phone. However, we do strongly suggest you physically see an item before making a purchase. If you make a purchase over the phone, and upon inspection decide it is no longer what you need, our 10% restocking fee still applies.
We hope you find this upgrade helpful—let us know any feedback here.